Coffee roasters


A love of Green Cherries

We’re pretty enamoured with coffee, which is why we roast our own, right up the stairs at Habituel. It means we can make it just the way we like. Strong and not decaffeinated.

Our current House Blend and Single Origin Coffee:

Habituel House Blend.

Papua New Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras and Ethiopia.

Habituel Single Origin.

Our Single Origin coffee changes regularly. We are roasting (and serving) La Esperanza.

$20 - 250g pack or $65 - 1kg pack take away or $4.3 - 28g double ristretto from the Slayer drink in.

The Right Tools

Our coffee is roasted in a special prototype 20kg Buhler AG coffee roaster. Dubbed the RoastMaster, this high-tech machine roasts coffee beans in hot air while rotating in a drum, rather than externally heating the drum. The result is a more even and controllable roast with no charring of the bean. We roast a couple of times a week and you can see all the action as it takes pride of place.